Tiger Girl

Yesterday our ward had a "closing" social (we're not exactly sure what closes about our ward during the summer but that's another issue) and there were activities like ultimate frisbee, badminton, a giant twister board, and face painting. Allison was working the face painting table and Emily never got a turn to get her face painted so we agreed to paint her face tonight. While Allison was cleaning up our delicious Father's Day dinner Daddy and Emily spent some time together with the face paint. I think Tyra Banks would call this girl FIERCE.


Ehle Family said…
Super cute. She looks like she has quite a fun personality.
Kristin said…
FIERCEly adorable. I can't believe she'd let him put the paint on her face.
Hey, remember me, remember when we used to be friends. Those were good times, Maybe someday we will live on the same side of America and we can hang out. I love looking at all your pictures, and that is one crazy good face painting job, She was a professional at getting it done!

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