Daddy & Emily's Garden
Lately Justin and Emily have been working on a project together- a garden. Our "backyard" was paved with bricks by our landlord so that we could use it as extra parking. Us, and all of our neighbors didn't really like parking back there because it was too hard to get our cars out, so it has become our little patio area.
This year we decided we wanted to try our hand at gardening. Because of the bricks we knew we had to build boxes. This is where the "we" ends and Justin and Emily are basically the only ones involved. So Justin bought a saw as an early Fathers Day present and the two of them built some garden boxes. They both enjoyed their evening project and special time together.
Once the boxes were built and filled with dirt, it was time to plant the seeds. Here is a listing of what they planted: beans, green peppers, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, radishes, herbs, carrots, and possibly something else that I have forgot.
We do have some sprouts, I just haven't taken any pictures of them yet, so we are excited to hopefully have some garden fresh veggies this year.
Additional benefits to building/planting our garden:
*Emily recognizes Home Depot and gets excited when we drive by.
*Emily and Justin both LOVE to water their plants every day and constantly check on their progress.
*I (Allison) get to sit in a lawn chair, eat popsicles, and read magazines while those two cuties do their garden.