Birthday Interview: Lyla

Birthday Interview
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A pet worker and a teacher.
What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
Go to Skateland.
Who are your best friends?
Brooklynn, Addie, Avery. that's only some of them. I have lots of friends
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
play together. Tag, maybe house, music.
What makes you happy?
When Charlie goes all crazy and silly. when mommy and everyone makes me laugh and have fun.
What do you like to learn about?
Math and lots of stuff. art and how to do cool stuff.
What makes you sad?
When someone is really mean to me.
What do you do really well?
Gumball math from school. At home I do very good art.
If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
My own farm. I would have a horse a few pigs 15 chickens and 2 cows. I would feed the horses, go on rides, milk the cows, get the eggs that the chickens lay and get mud for the pigs to roll in.
What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Play on my swings, my swingset, and my treehouse
If you could have one wish, what would it be?
To have a perfect day every day. Get on blue, get a candy, not get in trouble.
What was your favorite birthday present?
The fitbit and the camera
What was the best part of being 6?
That is was a fun age.
What are you looking forward to being 7?
I get to go on more rides at Sunsplash.
Highlights from the last year
Our Favorite Things About Lyla
Mom: I love how happy Lyla is. She really loves the little things in life. She loves her friends and is a great friend in return. She likes to have fun and is always willing to try new things. She also says really funny stuff, so she is great at making you laugh.
Emily: I like how she always plays with Clara. She is mostly always positive and always ready for me to pick her up at the end of school. She loves to play video games and often shares it too. I like how she likes to try new things. I like she listens to me and then answers my questions and she is a really good reader.
Clara: I like to play with her. She gives me some of her favorite treats from her Halloween basket and she lets me put up the Christmas stuff.
Charlotte: Charlotte loves to say LY-LA!! She gets so excited when Lyla comes home from school. Lyla takes great care of Charlotte and will always play with her in the playroom or take her outside to ride hers scooter or play on the swings. Sometimes Charlotte will climb all over Lyla and that is pretty funny and cute.