Somebody's Big Day
So the funny thing is, once she was signed up to go, all of a sudden she didn't want to go anymore. If you asked her is she was excited she would just say, "no." I tried to trick her the first morning and said to her, "Emily, you like to dance, and play, and go to preschool." She shook her head 'yes,' but a few seconds later says, "Wait a minute! I don't like preschool."
I did get her dressed and packed her a backpack with a brand new kitty folder for her papers. That got her a little more excited. Then to top it off, I let her have an extra cup of chocolate milk in the car on the way. We actually passed the school looking for a parking spot and Emily then became very concerned that she wasn't going to be able to go. I played on it and told her if she wanted to go I could park the car and we could go in. She wanted to.
Once we got to her classroom she was a pretty happy camper. I think the children having total meltdowns made her realize that she didn't need to do that. I set her up playing dress up with another girl who was aimlessly wondering around and then took off. I picked her up a few hours later and both of her teachers told us how great she did. Even though she is the youngest and the smallest she was one of the best behaved. That's my Em for ya.
We get in the car and I say, "So did you have fun?" "Yeah." "Do you want to go back?" "No."
I'm sure we'll be back next Tuesday. I can't believe she is this big. It's a good thing we're having another little baby in a couple weeks, or I might have been on the verge of a meltdown.