The Unforgettable Forgettable Birthday
Bummer for Justin, he had class ALL day yesterday so really we had nothing all that exciting on the books to celebrate. We even had an adult Stake Conference meeting to go to that evening. (I even got a babysitter!). Anyways, we decided instead to go to dinner. Bad, I know. But we knew we'd have a good time and Emily would be home having fun with the cute girl from the ward.
We decided to go to P.F. Changs because randomly in the mail we received a buy-one-get-one-free dinner (not even birthday related). So we made our reservation and headed off. About halfway there we realized we forgot the mailer. Oops. We went anyways and had a DELICIOUS dinner. We left and went to an ATM to get cash for the babysitter. We realized Justin forgot his debit card at the restaurant so he went back and got it while I used my debit card to get cash. We reunited and started walking toward our car only to realize we (I) forgot our food at the ATM. We went back and got it. We walked all the way to our car, got in the car, and drove to the attendant to realize we had forgotten to get our parking ticket validated. Without the validation parking cost $35, with $12. We re-parked, walked back to the restaurant (about 10 minute walk) got the ticket validated and finally went home. That was the end of forgetting, but we still felt like we would have left our heads at home if they weren't attached to our bodies! Oh- and of course Emily forgot that when it is dark outside you are suppose to sleep and instead wanted to play between 1 and 4 in the morning.
Things we didn't forget-
1. To say Happy Birthday
2. To have a good time
3. To be grateful I have an amazing husband who I love SO SO SO much!!
Happy Birthday Justin!!