Curly Sue & Baby Lyla
Remember my baby who had no hair. Well she still doesn't have lots of hair, but look what the Boston humidity did to it! Isn't it gorgeous!! We even have ways to trick her into wearing hair clips for a little bit. Just wanted to show off her curls.
So since Emily loves all things "girl" now (tea parties, shoes, princesses, etc.) of course she LOVES baby dolls. Her baby doll of choice is cabbage patch Baby Lyla. Emily loves to feed her bottles, give her pacis, sing her songs (she'll sing "rock a bye baby, rock a by baby" over and over), changing her diaper, everything a mommy does for a baby Emily does for Baby Lyla. Emily also has a very very specific way that she holds her. Sometimes when I hold the baby, I do it wrong and this greatly upsets Emily to the point where she won't let me hold her anymore. It's pretty funny how upset she gets. "NO MOMMY, DIS WAY. NO WAY MOMMY!!!"
So here are a few shots of my curly sue with her Baby Lyla.