A few weeks after Lyla had her tubes put in, she caught a cold. Runny nose, fever, the works. Since she had her tubes though, I didn't worry too much about it. Luckily though, a few days into the cold was her post-op appointment for her tubes. I say "luckily" because the cold had cause her tube to get clogged and basically not work. I didn't even know that was a possibility. Since it was caught early enough the doctor could dig the 'gunk' out and make her good as new. Had he not done that it could have made the tub obsolete and they would have had to remove it and put in another one. To prevent it in the future, he gave me a prescription with a few refills of drops to put in her ears if/when she gets colds in the future.
Special thanks to my camera girl Emily. I didn't even know she was taking pictures of Lyla. They had to strap her to a Papoose board while the digging went on. I was busy trying to distract her by telling her a story. Lyla is so tough she didn't cry at all, she just seemed very surprised by the whole thing. I've said it once and I'm sure I'll say it a million zillion more times, my Lyla is one amazing little girl.