Plymouth Plantation
I had the day off of school today for Veteran's day so Allison got a couple of discount passes from the library and we drove down to check out Plymouth Plantation. They had a replica of the English village where all of the people acted like they were from the 1600's. It was a little weird because they were very into their parts. Emily was especially excited by the chickens that ran around free. We had just gone through a First Thanksgiving exhibit and she kept shouting, "Turkeys, turkeys!" at the chickens. We also saw a Wampanoag village. The people were in costume but they spoke like modern day people. We were especially surprised at how warm their huts were inside. Those natives had were on to something. Lastly we went and saw the Mayflower II, a replica of the Mayflower that was built in England in 1957 and sailed to Plymouth. Emily liked to look out the windows in the "big boat." It was a little chilly but we had a pretty good time. It's definitely worth seeing, especially if the library is footing most of the bill.
On the Mayflower II
Looking out the porthole
Emily and Mommy by the "big boat"
By a boat they made by burning out the inside of a tree
This was the guy making the boats. He looked cold
Walking behind Daddy in the Plymouth village replica
A random boat/cow dressed up like a pilgrim with shoes and stockings and all