In The Motherhood

I feel like I have been inducted into the real world of motherhood today. So far it's been all story time, cute outfits, and an occasional couple hours up at night. However, today Emily came down with the flu- I think. Anyhow, Emily threw up all over me! Twice (each time she ate)! It was so unbelievably disgusting. I would like to proudly say I was able to quickly get her into the laundry room and bathroom so the mess was controllable. Anyways, Emily is on her first diet of saltines and ginger ale. Luckily for all of us I have no pictures to document this. 


Laura said…
I feel for you! Josh got the flu (he's 3) then passed it to Maia (16 months) and my husband and I got it. All within a weekend. It's so sad when children are sick. Good luck with her.
Us Bailey's said…
Ohh, I hope Emily is feeling better. We went through something similar this last winter over Christmas break. YUCK! Good luck and I hope Emily doesn't pass it along!
EmmaLee said…
Wow...I told Bob that I would do every dirty diaper if he handles all the vomit. I'm impressed you kept it under control. I hope she gets feeling better. We can't wait until you make it out to Boston and we get to meet her. (I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog!)
Eevi said…
At least its baby vomit right:)
Allison said…
mm baby vomit. no emily's too big for that, it was full on grown up disgustingness. :)

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