Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday. Yay!! I was tempted to title this post "Macho Man" since well that basically sums him up, but decided to go with Happy Birthday instead. I talk to my dad a lot and tell him I love him all the time, but here is my official blog post to tell the world how amazing he is. He is the best dad in the world. Literally. He is a fantastic example to his children in all aspects of life: church, education, work ethic, family relations, recreational activities, you name it- he's a pro. I love visiting him because it typically means a trip to north mountain to work out, a golf lesson, rib eyes, and a fantastic babysitter. Emily loves to visit him because it means lots of loving, playing with the ducks, and usually getting a new (or multiple new) stuffed animals. Here are just few bullet points of life with my dad:

  • When I was nine I hiked the grand canyon for the first time. It was getting later in the afternoon and I was getting sluggish. My dad told me that the ice cream shop at the top closed at 4 and if I wanted an ice cream cone I needed to walk a little faster. We made it out by 4.
  • When I was younger (probably 8-12) I would run in saturday morning fun runs. Sometimes one mile, usually 5k. My dad would let me wear these sweet Oakley's that were twice the size of my face. I usually won my age group and I thought I was so cool walking up to get my award with those things on. I'm sure he thought I was pretty cool too. 
  • Before I was pregnant with Emily he called me and told me he had a perfect idea. I could have a baby and then he and my mom would raise her until I was done with school. 
  • He is an expert woodworker, cyclist, exercise enthusiast, golfer, and grills the world's best rib eye. 
  • He can do more pull ups than I can count. 
  • Look up awesome in the dictionary, here's what you'll find: Shawn Pobst. 
Happy Birthday Dad. I love you!!


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