Call me 1/4 Dr. Van Dusen
Well, I finished my last final of my first year of dental school and I passed all my classes so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. I'm looking forward to next year when my classes will be based on actual dental work rather than general medical knowledge. We did learn some operative dentistry so I thought I'd share some of the evidence of my work.
The wonderful fake person's face I get to work on.
The evidence of my labors. There's a couple of composites (tooth colored) and an amalgam filling in this picture.
Another amalgam.
I bet most dentists wish all their patients opened their mouths like this.
The awesome present Allison and Emily got me. That's right, it's a snow-cone maker.
We've had a blast so far in Boston. I unquestioningly feel that we were guided to this school and the area we live by the hand of the Lord. I love our little house, our new friends, and having the opportunity to get to know New England for a short time. I feel blessed to live in a great ward and so close to a temple. Hopefully the next three years will be just as good as this one.