March 1st Emily went on her first airplane! We went to Arizona to say Happy Birthday Grandpa and meet all of my friends. We had fun going shopping, meeting my high school friends, meeting Grandma's friends, going for walks in the sunshine and having a "Meet Emily Baby Shower." Sadly I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are a few from her big adventure. Thanks Grandma for the ticket to come see you :)

Here's little Emily on the airplane! She was such a little champ. After a crazy adventure at the airport (getting her car seat/stroller taken apart and folded up with one hand, and then put back together again) Emily slept the entire time!

Emily had fun watching T.V. at Grandma's. Here she is watching a Warren Miller movie. She is dreaming of the day when her daddy takes her up to the mountain for her first ski lesson :). We're going to make her a pro.

Emily missed playing video games with her daddy, so she took some time to play Xbox with Uncle Aaron. She is also sporting her "Future Knight" onesie Aaron bought her to wear to his sporting events.

Emily and the girlees at her baby shower. Thank you to everyone who came and met Emily! We love all of her cute new clothes :)

Big Emily and Little Emily (and I snuck in there too)

Me and Emily met up with Jeni and Connelly (sorry Jeni if I spelled that incorrectly) at the airport for lunch. Isn't Connelly the cutest little boy :) He's a sweetheart.

Here's Grandma saying bye bye.

Bye Arizona!!