Life with Lyla
One of her recent "tricks" that totally bewilders me is I will have Emily sit next to me and we will say, "Lyla, Lyla, find Emily. Where's Emily Lyla?" and Lyla will look around until she focuses on Emily. Then we will repeat it with "Where's Mommy?" or "Where's Daddy?" and she finds whoever we're talking about!
Our Lyla loves, loves, loves to be held! She is the ultimate snuggler. From day 1 if we held her upright against our chest she would instantly calm down and fall asleep. Sometimes her daddy holds her on his chest and they nap together. It's probably the best part of the day for her. They sleep for hours together. Yesterday after Justin left for school I pulled Lyla into bed with me and we snuggled for a while. I had flashbacks of laying with Emily for hours and hours when she was little. It made me want to do the same with Lyla, so I've been trying to remind myself to "slow down" and just love my baby.
Every day I look at Lyla and Emily and smile. I can't believe how blessed I am. I thank my Heavenly Father every single day for these two amazing girls who have me completely smitten!