Cousins, cowgirls, and kitties
Here's a few more pictures of Emily and Allison's visit to the west to see family
Emily and her grandma and great-grandma

Aunt Jessie, Aunt Katie, Logan, and Em
Look how excited all of the cousins were for this picture
Petting the big horse with Megan

These two cowgirls know the ropes when it comes to mini-horses
After this visit Mommy is a little less opposed to getting a kitty
This trip is a little overwhelming to document. After we were in Arizona for about a week, my mom, Emily, myself, and our friend Birdie drove up to Utah. I wasn't too worried about it because I fly with Emily, so a car ride can't be much more difficult. Wrong. Besides complaining about being in the car seat over and over again, Emily threw up twice. It was so nasty. Instead of unloading the whole trunk to dig through my suitcase for new clothes, we just stopped and Emily got 2 new outfits.
The first night we stayed with my Aunt Iris out side of Provo. Emily was WIRED when we finally took her out of the car. It was kind of difficult to get her to fall asleep. We woke up the next morning to SNOW! Over breakfast Emily informed me that since there was snow outside she wanted to go skiing. Really? So, I can only assume that the olympics made a really lasting impression on her, or she is a ski prodigy. Hopefully the latter. As we drove into the provo, the skiing talk continued. "I go skiing on those mountains by myself mom." Sure Em. Anyways, once we were in Provo we picked up Christi and Westin, and visited some friends. We had lunch at my favorite- Magelby's Fresh (Yum), took Emily to BYU, and then drove up to Logan to see my cousin Heather and meet Baby Noah. We had lots of fun visiting, eating delicious dinner, and playing with Noah. He is so cute and little, ah I wanted to melt. To finish the day off we drove all the way to Idaho Falls to my Aunt's house.
The next day a couple of my cousins brought their little girls over early to play. My Aunt Susan is also notorious for ALWAYS having kittens at her house. This visit they were about 6 weeks old and so adorable. Emily was in love. If we wanted to get her to do anything, all we would have to do is bribe her that she could play with the kitties. That afternoon, we took the kids over to one of their houses to play with the mini-horses. Then that night pretty much all of my cousins and their kids came over for a family party. It was pretty crazy having so many little ones running around, but it sure was fun.
The next morning, my cousin took Emily and I over to his friends' farm when Emily got to see pigs, cows, goats, horses, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats, and horses in a real "farm" environment. She was pretty scared of most of the animals, but I think they were just as scared of her. When we got in the car she goes, "Those pigs were dirty!" That afternoon we went over to Justin's sister Jessica's house and visited with her, Kati, and Logan. It was fun to see them. Jessica brought Emily back a mumu dress from Hawaii, it was so cute. Logan is such a cute little butterball.
After that visit we headed back down to Logan. We stayed in a hotel and Emily swam and swam and swam. That little girl would swim all day every day if she could. The next morning we went to Noah's blessing which was really special and fun. After the luncheon all of the cousins, Westin and Christi headed back to Idaho. I was sad to see them go. We got to spend the afternoon at Heather's. The next morning I flew back to Boston. We were happy to see Justin and he was happy to see us, but man oh man, we had a fun trip!